Thursday, March 17, 2011

A morning walk with Arlo

on the beach is always a nice way to start the many others my heart is heavy while Japan waits to see the fate of these failing nuclear plants....
Walking the beach and seeing the sun rise is always a peaceful, contemplative way to start the day....
Arlo stopped running around, frapping around as they say in corgi land, long enough to consider the rising sun...
Gradually the sun showed itself over the island in the distance and over the low dunes...
Shedding its golden reflection into the water....
Casting its light upon the beach ahead of us after we'd turned the bend...
lighting up the skeleton of a whelk shell....
Giving reason for this song sparrow to belt out his song...
And giving one happy little dog one more reason to run happily along the sand....


sara said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures... I'm nowhere near a beach and enjoyed walking along the beach this morning vicariously through them :)

Anonymous said...

Your photos are breath taking! My husband and I are both wanting to go to a resort type place near the ocean for our anniversary this summer. Love your new blog by the way. I too have a new one. Formerly lavenderdreams4ever.